The Broken, The Better

In every recalling of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, it is reported that He rode in on a donkey. Look up the definition of a donkey, and you’ll find some pretty harsh words – like stupid and foolish. But in Jesus’ eyes, He saw the donkey as peaceful and humble. And that’s exactly how Jesus carried Himself throughout his entire ministry.

But this donkey. Well, I just can’t shake it. If anyone deserves to carry a posture of pride, it’s the Savior of the world. I mean, Jesus raised people from the dead, healed the blind and fed thousands with what seemed like a limited quantity of food. And that’s not even cracking the surface of the miracles He performed during His short time on earth and continues to perform now that He is in Heaven.

And yet, all He wanted was a donkey. Not a chariot with horses or a camel or an elephant. Not a lion or maybe even a dinosaur. Jesus could’ve created an animal unlike all other animals especially for His entrance. And yet, he chose a donkey.

Beyond being humble and picking what many deem as the underdog when it comes to animals, Jesus is teaching us so much more here.

You may view yourself as that donkey – nothing special; maybe even lowly. But Jesus can use you no matter who you are or what your status in this world is. In fact, He’s a master of using flawed, broken people for some truly incredible things.

So, the broken, the better.


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