A Willingness To Accept

I don’t like being inactive when I’m facing a troubling situation. In fact, I’ve always associated inactivity in undesirable circumstances with giving up. But the truth of the matter is that I want to be able to handle my problems on my own. Being in a world where you have to constantly climb up the socioeconomic ladder has put this idea into my mind. Because everything worth having requires dedication and hard work.DSC_3289DSC_3295But there’s a difference between giving up and allowing God to move in your life. Because I’ve found that when I have chosen to put the ball in God’s court and stop focusing on what I want but what God’s plan is for me, that’s when I am able to see what God can do. DSC_3320DSC_3323God has gotten me through many hard situations in my life, and I have seen the pattern of how He works. And yet, I still struggle with control. But even more than that, I struggle with what it means to accept things for the way that they are at the current moment that I am living in.DSC_3361DSC_3407Whether I’m in a good place or a bad place in my life, I’m always looking towards the next thing. But by accepting and reflecting on the way that my life is right now, I am able to appreciate it for what it is. And even if the situation is bad, I am learning to thank God for the struggle because it’s in these low places that miracles happen.DSC_3434DSC_3442We saw it when Saul was trying to kill David out of jealousy. And we saw it when Mary didn’t think she’d ever have a child. We saw it when Jesus was treated like a criminal and nailed to a cross. And we saw it when the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. DSC_3445DSC_3493David became King of Israel. Mary gave birth to the Savior of the whole world. Jesus rose again and saved humanity. The woman with the issue of blood was healed.

It’s in the stillness of life that God is able to show himself.


Photography by yours truly. 

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